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Twitter,amicroblogservice readneighbors’tweets 4 InmostOSN “Wearefriends.” 5 InTwitter “Ifollowyou.” 6 FollowingonTwitter “Unlikemostsocialnetworks,followingonTwitterisnotmutual. Someonewhothinksyou'reinterestingcanfollowyou,andyoudon'thavetoapprove,orfollowback." http://help.twitter/entries/14019...
The next one that is important to know is the RT tag. This is a retweet. If you see something that you love, you can hit the retweet button, which would insert the “RT” tag and the name of the Twitter user you are retweeting. You can also enter this information manually as well,...
(ɑrt) n. 1.the quality, production, expression, or realm of what is beautiful or of more than ordinary significance. 2.the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings. 3.a field or category of art:Dance is an art. ...
Other users can mention, reply to or “retweet” (RT) tweets as other functions of Twitter. Even though each tweet is limited to 140 characters, there is no limit on the number of tweets each user can post. So, if users want to convey more through their tweets, they can post a ser...
Official retweets feature the original author’s name and profile picture prominently, while traditional retweets begin with “RT @username:” and may include added commentary. Retweeting is an essential tool for increasing the visibility of valuable information on Twitter. Quote tweets stand out with...
Stella Embeddings似乎是RAG(检索增强生成)Twitter社区和关注机器翻译评估(MTE)更新的人士感兴趣的话题。该讨论旨在简要解释为何Stella Embeddings值得关注。这些内容对于对自然语言处理、机器学习和人工智能研究感兴趣的人可能很有价值,特别是那些热衷于了解文本嵌入的最新进展及其在改进机器翻译和信息检索系统中的应用的人。
twitter.com support updated amazon.com support updated etsy.com support updated sex.com support updated onlyfans.com support is not possible at the moment as it seems to require us to use a new internal Chromium engine that does not support older versions of Windows. We will investigate this ...
The Eta Clock work in unison with the Eta Clock mobile application wherein the app is utilized to broadcast the geo-location coordinates to thegadget. Instead of looking your mobile screen to get a location update, users can look at the clock to know the whereabouts of the friends and famil...
PREEMPT_RT PREEMPT_RTis the name of the patchset hosted at the Linux Foundation to implement a priority scheduler and other supporting real-time mechanisms. Whereas the patches are slowly being mainlined, they are not yet fully upstream in the mainline Linux kernel. The PREEMPT_RT locking code...