In very young children, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties. What are the possible complications? RSV can cause a chest infection called bronchiolitis, which mainly affects children under two. It is usually mild and can be treated at home, ...
For the average adult, yes. But for infants and the elderly, RSV can be much more serious. That’s because RSV is the most common cause of pneumonia and bronchitis in children younger than the age of one. Infants may also display fewer symptoms as well. Those are irritability, decreased ...
Anyone can catch and get sick from RSV, but it's particularly a problem inpremature infantsand older adults. Most who catch it will recover in about a week. The infection and death rate for RSV looks similar to the flu, so it is an illness to be taken seriously, Dr. Weber said. How...
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. Pediatricians across the country are seeing a significant increase in RSV in chil...
Each year, up to 160,000 older adults living in the United States are hospitalized and as many as 10,000 die due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a highly contagious virus that spreads through close contact with infected individuals, typicall
people at any age, but it's more serious for young children and older adults – groups with weaker lungs. It generally starts with cold symptoms in the head, but can affect the lungs."When it makes that turn – from the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract – that's ...
In mild cases of RSV, inflammation is limited to the upper airways (nose and throat), most notably causing a runny and stuffy nose. "The hallmark of RSV is that it produces a lot of mucus, causing you to blow your nose more often," and if you have any of these symptoms, try the ...
age,” said Alison Barkoff, who leads the Administration for Community Living within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Getting vaccinated is the best protection against fall respiratory viruses like RSV. It can help keep symptoms mild and help keep people out of the hospital...
Infantsandolder adultsare most susceptible. RSV can cause other illnesses like bronchiolitis, which is the inflammation of the lungs’ small airways, and pneumonia. RSV symptoms include: Runny nose Congestion Decrease in appetite Coughing Sneezing ...
WHAT IS RSV? It stands for respiratory syncytial virus, a common cause of mild cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, cough and fever. Nearly all U.S. children normally catch an RSV infection by age 2. People infected are usually contagious for three to eight days. Babies and...