What isRoutingRouting is the process of moving data from onenetworkto another by forwardingpacketsviagateways. WithIPbasednetworks, the routing decision is based on thedestination address in theIPpacket'sheaderRouting ProtocolA routing protocol is a standardized process by whichrouterslearn and...
In RIPv1, routes are decided based on the IP destination and hop count. RIPv2 advanced this method and started to include subnet masks and gateways. Furthermore, the routing table in RIPv1 is broadcast to every station on the attached network whereas RIPv2 sends the routing table to a Multicas...
it is sent in the same direction which corresponds, in almost all cases, the algorithm to the shortest route. However, one can not speak of routing algorithm in this case, since the routing is fixed and does not require update. The fixed route...
For those who are wondering, a default gateway is basically a router that a host will use to communicate with other hosts on a computer network. Whenever a host does not have a route entry for any particular remote network and has no idea on how to reach that host, a default gateway is...
What is the use of algorithm in computer programming? Algorithms are integral to the way computer systems process data. Most computer programs consist of algorithms that follow specific instructions to conduct a simple task. Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff Computer How Routing Algorithms Work ...
A computing network is a new information infrastructure that allocates and flexibly schedules computing, storage, and network resources among the cloud, edge, and device on demand.
Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS).IS-IS protocol is a link-state routing protocol similar to OSPF. It transmits information within a computer network without the need for IP connectivity. When selecting a routing protocol, consider the size and topology of your network. Certain ...
In acomputer network, flooding occurs when arouteruses a nonadaptive routing algorithm to send an incomingpacketto every outgoing link except thenodeon which the packet arrived. Flooding is a way to distribute routing protocols updates quickly to every node in a large network. Examples of these pr...
What should I do if "hdc server part 8710 has been used" is displayed when connecting a phone to the computer? What should I do if hdc cannot run after the hdc.exe is clicked? How do I start a UIAbility using the hdc command? How do I use the parameters of the hdc shell aa...
交换机与路由器的区别(What is the difference between a switch and a router).doc,交换机与路由器的区别(What is the difference between a switch and a router) The difference between the switch and the router Computer network often consists of many differe