XIII is a nice an easy Roman numeral, that requires all addition and no subtractions. It is just X (10) plus I (1) plus I (1) plus I (1), which gives us 13. So the answer to the question is 24 – 13 which equals 11 (XI in Roman numerals). 3. What is XXIV multiplied by...
Chapters and Volumes of Books. Roman numerals are also used to indicate the chapters and volumes of books. This is particularly common in older books, where each chapter or volume is given a Roman numeral. For example, a book with three volumes may have them numbered I, II, and III, whi...
In the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, Western monarchies reached the climax of their power and could begin to control their (paper) money supply. (Of course I am going very fast through a complex history.) In the XIXth century monarchies declined but the centralisation of power remained. Ce...