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MR Imaging of Crohn's disease: what is the attraction?: Koh DM, Miao Y, Chinn RJS, et al., MR Imaging Evaluation of the Activity of Crohn's Disease. AJR 20... The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of MR imaging in assessing the activity of Crohn's disease. ...
iscuss only a few selected examRpalneks tOordilelurisntgrattheetShTeEps ootfeEnxtoiaplovlyahluederoalfLEiLgaOndcsonsiderations in this area. Rank OrdWereinhgavthe enoStTeEdsthoaftEtxhoepporleyfehrereddraolrLieingtaantidons of exopolyhedral ligands in mixed-ligand 3,1,2- MC2B9 metallacarborane...