Ergo, duplicating a spell with wish cannot change anything in this block of text, since this block of text is exactly the spell’s effect that is duplicated. So we conclude that the requirements that are ignored by wish are anything else that is usually necessary for casti...
When multiclassing you are supposed to keep track of which spell list they are from to know which spell casting stats to use, and there you run into questions about when is it "Wizard Spell" or "Ranger Spell" -- but that too is short hand for "spell you know from ...
WHAT,IF ANYTHING,IS MAHAYANABUDDHISM?* PROBLEMSOF DEFINITIONSAND CLASSIFICATIONS JONATHAN A. SILK Summary This study investigates some problems regardingthe definition of Mahayana Buddhism.Tracingthe historyof the notionin modem scholarship,it pays particular attentionto the questionof the relationbetween ...
So, Winter Fantasy 49 is in the books. This is one of two vacations I take every year, and it’s probably the most fun. The nerds don’t see how that’s possible. I go to a gaming convention and play few (if any) games. This year, I had one game on the schedule, and it w...
It is not clear who brought Buddhism to this mountain and thus established Shugendo there, but there may have existed a Buddhist hijiri 5E (the hottai deity) who was identified with Amida (the honji of Kumano Honga) and who was known as Shbjb Daibosatsu. I n the case of KongObu-ji...
Casting a spell with a casting time longer than a single Action or Reaction. This includes all ritual casting. Readying a spell. Using a feature. For example, Draconic Presence (Draconic Sorcerer lvl 18), Visions of the Past (Knowledge Cleric lvl 17), Invoke Duplicity (Trickery Cleric lvl ...
If this is a ritual, it should be 2nd level A close comparison to this (which has additional other uses, but not the "silent" alarm mode) is the second level spell Magic Mouth. This is likewise a ritual, has a material component cost of 10gp, but in exchange, does not expire, work...
Fiendish Codex II p.30 asserts that one need acquire nine points worth of evil, where for example casting an evil spell is worth 1 point and murder is worth 5. It is suggested that people cannot be held liable for acts committed before reaching the age of reason. It is also p...
You finish casting a spell with a "Longer Casting Time" (which can be because the spell inherently has a casting time longer than a turn, or it's being cast as a ritual), or Your concentration is broken. They all result in the "end" of concentration, but on...
Not only can you cast this as a ritual conserving a valuable memorization slot, it also provides a lot of tactical uses and resting safety. Animate Dead (Necromancy). This is only OK if you have no moral issues about it, and obviously not as strong as for ...