Insurance planning Managing risk is fundamental so you don't encounter financial catastrophe that prevents you from achieving your goals. You probably know the importance of having health insurance, but there are countless other types of insurance that might help you during times of hardship. Financi...
Corporate FP&A is important because it empowers an organization to make informed decisions regarding financial strategies, operational plans, new initiatives, risk management, headcount planning and more. These strategic decisions are essential to an organization’s profitability and financial health. By us...
Journal of Financial PlanningSchulaka, C. (2009). What is the value of financial planning? Journal of Financial Planning, 22 (3), 14.Schulake, C. (2009). What is the value of financial planning? Journal of Financial Planning, 22 (3), 14....
Not very agile or accurate, yesterday’s financial planning was only done on a quarterly and/or yearly basis. It was typically done on a plethora of Excel spreadsheets that introduced risk around security, error, speed, and inaccuracy. Because of the inaccurate and dated information, it was ...
What Is Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)? Financial planning and analysis (FP&A) professionals own the financial planning, budgeting and forecasting process at a company to inform major decisions made by the executive team and board of directors. These employees collect, prepare and analyze fin...
You are more likely to successfully save for a big trip or a comfortable retirement. Financial planning is about making those dreams a reality. Puts you in the driver’s seat of your investments Understanding your risk tolerance and investment objectives can lead to better and more effective inve...
Yeah I do agree that setting up the financial objectives is one of the most important part of financial planning. One must analyze one's current financial position and future needs as well as the risk profile to have the best financial plan. ...
Financial forecasting and budgetingTranslating data into actions and decisions is step two in FP&A. Budgets allocate resources over set periods of time – usually one year – but should be made with the understanding that conditions change. Which is why budgeting and forecasting of expenses and sale...
walking down the street, investing, capital planning, or something else.An investor’s personality, lifestyle, and age are some of the top factors to consider for individual investment management and risk purposes. Each investor has a uniquerisk profilethat determines their willingness and ability t...
walking down the street, investing, capital planning, or something else.An investor’s personality, lifestyle, and age are some of the top factors to consider for individual investment management and risk purposes. Each investor has a uniquerisk profilethat determines their willingness and ability t...