What is an RFC?RFC stands for Request for Comments. You might have RFC in various environments now, but traditionally what we mean with RFC on the Internet is a publication that’s written by engineers and computer scientists, aimed at other professionals that work in the Internet sphere....
What is a RFC in Mexico? The RFC stands for Registro Federal de Contibuyentes. It’s a unique registration number issued by Mexico’s tax collection agency, SAT. What is the ‘SAT’ in Mexico? SAT stands for Servicio de Administracion Tributaria. This is Mexico’s tax collection agency...
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is an application layer, request-response protocol for the web. HTTP has a client-server architecture that enables the reliable transfer of resources between a web application server and a user agent (UA) such as a web browser. UAs include web c...
For example, Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) cryptographic hashes were supported.Over the years, TLS continued to evolve, and ultimately, the Transport Layer Security standard across the web is TLS version 1.3 as defined by RFC 8446. It’s the most robust protocol. TLS 1.3 simplifies the ...
When an Internet protocol like HTTP is adopted or revised standards are defined in documents called an RFC. RFC stands forRequest For Comments. Every recognized data-communications protocol accepted for mainstream Internet usage will be defined in a series of RFC documents. Technologies like HTTP, ...
Finally, in 1997, the HTTP/1.1 protocol, RFC 2068, was developed as a revision of HTTP 1.0, and after 19 years, it is still used today for all HTTP requests. Over the years, there have been some slight revisions to HTTP/1.1. In 1999, RFC 2616 introduced five new methods, OPTIONS, ...
Every machine on the internet has a unique identifying number, called anIP address. The IP stands forInternet Protocol, which isone of two protocolsthat computers use to communicate over the internet. The other isTransmission Control Protocol,and the two are often referred to as one in the phr...
Not to be confused withFTTP (Fibre To The Premises),FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a classic protocol, first published asRFC 114in 1971. Since the personal computer has been a thing, it’s been helpful. Or even necessary to be able to transfer files. In the modern world...
The acronym SAE stands forSimultaneous Authentication of Equalsand refers to a secure key negotiation and exchange method for password-based authentication methods. It is a variant of the Dragonfly key exchange protocol specified in RFC 7664, which in turn is based on Diffie-Hellmann key exchange....
SNMP v1 was defined in 1988 and was based on SGMP (RFC 1028). Then, it was broadly accepted and used. It is still used today, almost 30 years later, which is nearly an eternity in IT. SNMP v1 provides the basic functionalities for data polling and is relatively easy to use. It do...