Over 100 years after it was created, it is still considered one of the most revolutionary Works in art history.创作100多年后,它仍然被认为是艺术史上最具革命性的作品之一。It is also one of the most contentious.这也是最有争议的问题之一。For some, Duchamp is the father of conceptualism, the...
Traditional management was revolutionary in its day and enormously effective in building large-scale global enterprises that have materially improved lives over the past 200 years. However, as the 21st century marches on, this approach is reaching its limits. For one thing, the management style of...
Constantly pushing boundaries, Picasso’s work spanned many mediums, including paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and printmaking. His revolutionary way of depicting subjects from multiple angles and his Blue and Rose periods have inspired many artists over the years. Salvador Dali Renowned for his fant...
Open Croquet is a recent, revolutionary open source platform conceived to support 3D immersive, highly visual collaboration spaces. It is a joint software development between the University of Minnesota at Madison and VPRI (ViewPoints Research Institute) in California. The people working at this ...
I did a post on it, based on Sandy Millin’s excellent notes (click the highlighted text above to see the post, which includes the video recording of Frendo’s talk), where I suggested that Frendo’s approach to ELT is revolutionary. One of Frendo’s jobs is to help those who work...
The revolutionary literature that accompanied these first movements of the proletariat had necessarily a reactionary character. It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form. The socialist and communist systems, properly so called, those of Saint-Simon [5], Fourier [6]...
What values and ideas did the writers (Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Olaudah Equiano, Thomas Jefferson & Phyllis Wheatley) of the Revolutionary period have in common with their Puritan forebears? Explain how did racism impact the scene following: a mob almost attacks Atticus in order to enter...
Literatureisfictional Fiction:theprosethattellastory(fairytells,shortstories,andnovels)thatsetthemapartfromthecontextoflifeInventedmaterial:imaginativee.g.HarryPorterStylizedmaterial:artisticcontrol:throughtheplayoflanguage,selectionofdetails,inclusionofmetaphor,ironyandimagery:compare:howdoesanewspaper...
Literatureisfictional Fiction:theprosethattellastory(fairytells,shortstories,andnovels)thatsetthemapartfromthecontextoflifeInventedmaterial:imaginativee.g.HarryPorterStylizedmaterial:artisticcontrol:throughtheplayoflanguage,selectionofdetails,inclusionofmetaphor,ironyandimagery:compare:howdoesanewspaper...
A couple of scattered thoughts on the crisis of money. Guy Debord made the point that the commodity has colonized social life. This is worth thinking about in relation to literary production. For many of us who come from poor families and backgrounds, literature has a built in poverty clause...