Reverb (or reverberation) refers to the ambient environment surrounding a sound, reflecting the acoustics of the space. This could be like the acoustics of your living room; or the ethereal resonance of a shimmering cavern. While reverb serves various purposes in music production, it always revolv...
Reverberation isn’t inherently bad. In fact, some sound technicians purposely try to create reverberation. Reverb is key in music-oriented spaces, like music rehearsal rooms, orchestras or performance halls. Music-oriented spaces strive for a longer reverberation time because the reflected sound wave...
This type of reverb is created in a very similar way to plate reverb, but the signal is sent electrically through springs instead, and does not need speakers or microphones. It has a distinct, splashy sound all it’s own and has become synonymous with surf music due to the heavy amount ...
Reverb is created when a sound occurs in a space, sending sound waves out in all directions. These waves reflect off surfaces in the space, decaying in amplitude until the reflections eventually die off. Without extensive sound-proofing, most spaces will produce many closely spaced reflections, ...
In a live setting, too much reverb makes the language hard to understand and too little means the sound from the speaker or performer won’t carry as far. This is why designers of lecture halls, theaters, and concert venues pay particular attention to the reverberative qualities of their ve...
40 Waves新的免费插件: Silk Vocal外加额外的工作室机架预置 10:47 Epic LOFT STUDIO 设置 _ Logan Wall(工作室巡演) 43:10 升级混音:Nic Hard 和 Snarky Puppy 的大师班 1:23:41 Universal Audio插件Sound City Studio介绍 23:44 为什么你必须用VCA Faders _ Cubase与Dom的窍门 12:34 UAD Luna 是 Pro ...
Discover the rich sound of plate reverb and learn how to use it in your music. We’ll explore what plate reverb is, uncover its unique characteristics, and share practical tips on how to incorporate it into your mixes.
When you record live sound, you’ll often pick up the noise of the room you’re in. Even if your room sounds quiet to the human ear, a good microphone will still be able to pick up the sounds of the wind outside your house, or even the reverb and echo of your bedroom. ...
their overall pattern. As we've seen, some reverbs allow the spacing of the early reflections to be varied, and nearly all of them provide a similar sort of control over the reflections that make up the main body of the sound. The key parameter here isdiffusion, sometimes known asdensity...
It’s the production that elevatesHeart Of The Congosfrom a superior roots reggae album to a peerless and unique recording. Absolutely drenched in reverb, endlessly echoing and repeating, with the most extraordinary noises punctuating proceedings (“Whatisthat sound? Is that… is thatcattle?”), ...