and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God,which isnew Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: andI will write upon himmy new name.(Revelation 3:12.) ...
No, not at all. In context of the entire chapter, God is clearly warning us that sin has deadly consequences. People who consistently walk in sin will often experience premature physical death. And your past doesn’t matter in this. Your past good works cannot keep you from experiencing the...
But Martin Echavarria, PhD, Dean of Psychology, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, tells us people today are likely to give it another definition: “Acedia is not the same as depression although, since Acedia is fairly unknown, it’s possible that some things diagnosed as depression have acedia as ...
Revelation Chapter 7 describes an event so unique that Jesus devotes an entire chapter to its discussion. It describes a special ‘sealing’ of “the servants of our God in their foreheads.” (Revelation 7:3) These ‘servants of God’ are twelve thousand Jewish male virgins chosen from each...
This is also a duty of charity. Surely those who possess God’s revelation are bound to try to share it with others? Surely those who believe that their faith contains the solution of most of the problems that are puzzling mankind have a duty to make others aware of it? We Catholics ar...
What is literary fiction versus genre fiction? What is the book Fahrenheit 451 about? What is the theme of Divergent? What are the themes in Brave New World? What is the theme of The Flying Machine by Ray Bradbury? What is the literary genre of the Book of Revelation?
Our point of view style helps us engage readers with our characters, bring them into the world of our story, and manage the delicate balance of tension, revelation, and suspense. As you experiment with these different narrative styles, you’ll see that a well-chosen point of view in your ...
My fiancee made me proud by asserting that we need to come into line with the concept if we want to understand so many of those things we consistently miss – like the entire Book of Revelation. Thankfully, the Pastor came into view and reiterated those same ideas to this lady without ...
Where in the Bible is The Bronze Bow to which the book's title refers? What does the Bhagavad Gita say about other religions? What is Gitanjali? What did McMillian do in the book Just Mercy? What is chapter 1 of Song of Solomon about? What is the Book of Revelation? What is Areopag...
Information: “He is not coming back, she said.” (chap. 2, p. 25) Revelation (two women searching for their lost sons are on shore after toppling their canoe in the rapids): “Miranda cradled her wrist against her stomach and frowned downriver, and Tiffany knew the woman was thinking...