system: yet the U.S. hasn't done too badly for a couple of centuries; it is pulling out of the Watergate misery pretty satisfactorily, and I suspect these things are owing to Americatrqualities and an American tradition to which the republic-versus-monarchy argument is really not very ...
In Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Romania disparities were growing during all separately analyzed subperiods. The main conclusions can be drawn by summarizing findings on evolution of decomposed disparities in the EU: • Divergence in the EU during 1995–2000 was ...
ipeedlleptsairnasthiteicouptrsiodteists from diverse letirnnavenaisrgmoneissms,iemonnte.viEoianscitsyhseatmnfedecnarlt-ewosriaassltaaroncurctueecti(aocloptpharoertpoohufatgthsyei)dl[ie1fe8e]cn.yvAcliser,oiannsmwiteewlnl-atsstwuthdeeiremedelpcinahrkaanesidistmictoporfdohitsoisprtisezrofsrnoatma...
Intermediate-severity disturbance return intervals of 20–30 years [103], 20–80 years [104], and 40 years [105] have been reported for Fagus sylvatica dominated stands in Austria, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic, respectively. In a Pinus strobus L.-Tsuga canadensis stand in Massachusetts, ...
rsoammptlhees fBrroamn ctohe( oBrraanngcoe )(oarnadngRea) saondis Rleatsso( bisllueets) .(bTlhuee)r. eTshuel trsesfuroltms a prevfrioomus as pturdevyio[3u0s] saturedya l[s3o0]s haroew anlsofo srhcoowmnp faorri csoomn p(garreisyo...
This is especially noteworthy for two reasons. On the one hand, the PRC's formal Circular Economy (CE), which represents the main overarching law for all national recycling activities, promotes the notions of "reduce, reuse, and recycle". And yet, as highlighted by Schulz and others, the ...
Czech Republic; 2 Department of Chemical Biology and Genetics, Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research, Faculty of Science of Palacký University, Šlechtitelu˚ 27, CZ-783 71 Olomouc, Czech Republic; 3 Function...
We reviewed Web of Science articles that used geographic information system buffer analyses to identify trends between physical health, greenness, and distance within which greenness is measured. Our inclusion criteria were: (1) use of buffers to estimate residential greenness; (2) statistical analyses...