Of the two kinds of restrictions, rent stabilization is by far the more common form today. The 2021 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey, for instance, reported that there were 16,400 rent-controlled apartments, compared to 1,048,860 rent-stabilized apartments in the city in that year.10The autho...
Some buildings make it mandatory for tenants to take outrenter's insurance. You'll be asked to supply the paperwork as part of your package at lease signing. Renter's insurance isn't a high cost, it's generally around $100 to $150 a year, Broekhoven says, but it is yet another fee...
There are definitely some factors that would make it easier for you to negotiate your broker fee. For instance, if your future rental apartment is on the luxurious side (and your rent is rather high), it is easier to bargain. In such a case, the brokers fee would be very high to begi...
If we could rent yesterday’s most famous mansions, the most expensive, by far, would beThe Henry Clay Frick House($854,500). Known today in the art world as The Frick Collection, the impressive building in a landmark NYC location near 5th Ave. was also the inspiration behind the f...
If you have found mold in your home, you are most likely wondering how much you can expect to pay to get rid of it. Mold issues in houses and buildings are a problematic issue for property owners. Of course, mold is a serious condition and must be remedi
is a disservice, becausecriticisms of weight can motivate overweigh people to improve their bodies and, ultimately, their health. One difficulty with this argument against body positivity lies in the assumption that bigger bodies are not healthy, but “bigger” is subjective. What is considered “...
 We are already seeing some signs that investment buying is starting to slow. In real estate, things historically turn very slowly. The reason for this is because real estate is not a very liquid investment. However, we’ve never had this much hot money...