例如,导航到 https://vscode.dev/edu/makecode 后可以得到已安装 Microsoft MakeCode Arcade 扩展的基于浏览器的编辑器,只需片刻即可开始使用 MakeCode!限制由于VS Code 网页版完全在浏览器中运行,因此存在一些限制。 如果有以下需求,建议将工作移动到 VS Code 桌面版、GitHub Codespaces 或 Remote - ...
When working, I'm using a combination of SSHFS, ssh tunnels and vscode with the remote ssh extension: this helps me leveraging the powerful tower, but coding on the go with my small laptop. Laptop vs cloud vs tower the beefy gaming laptop Sadly, a lot of people out here recommend gettin...