However, this splintering of civilization is our downfall. Cults and religions that are even more inaccurate and damaging than physicalism and are a product of it. This splintering of worldviews on the part of millions is the cause of the disorder we are experiencing in the world today. It ...
However, this splintering of civilization is our downfall. Cults and religions that are even more inaccurate and damaging than physicalism and are a product of it. This splintering of worldviews on the part of millions is the cause of the disorder we are experiencing in the world toda...
I also believe that the “here and now” is not all there is. I believe that we all have a purpose as long as we draw breath and it is up to the individual to decide or search for what that purpose is. We have many choices in this life. One is how we view our life regardless...
What is Religion WhatisReligion? Nosimpledefinitioncandescribethenumerousreligionsintheworld.Formanypeople,religionisanorganizedsystemofbeliefs,ceremonies,practices,andworshipthatcenteronsupremeGod,ortheDeity.Formanyothers,religioninvolvesanumberofgods,ordeities.SomepeoplehaveareligioninwhichnospecificGodorgodsare...
Religions follow the same pattern of questions: the nature of sacred reality, the nature of the universe, the human attitude toward nature, time, human purpose, words and scriptures, and exclusiveness and inclusiveness. Another pattern religions follow are sets of beliefs and practices: sacramental...
to my post “Religions are Expressions of Culture, Not Absolute Higher Knowledge”:All the religions that exist in our world are not real. They are nothing more than cultural traditions. Baal HaSulam writes about genuine religion in his article, “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose.” ...
What is religion? / 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14 摘要: "Religion ... means the voluntary subjection of oneself to God."The Catholic Encyclopaedia, 1913"We have learned more about 'the religions,' but this has made us perhaps less...aware of what it is that we...mean by 'religion.'"Wilfred...
Nepal's government is1. What's the purpose of Nepal's requiring students in grades government in asking students to take four through eight to take yoga yog a classes? C classes. The government says A. To tell them to learn religions.the classes will give students B. To give more requir...
Religion is the last refuge of human savagery. — Alfred North Whitehead 54 All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few. — Stendhal 21 Religions are easy to invent. Most traditional religions have little or nothing to do with reality, are dependent ...