What is Religion? serves not only as an introduction to the diffferent belief-systems flourshing across the modern world, but asks us to consider how the very boundaries of faith might be drawn now and in the future. How might religion interac... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门...
What Is Religion? 作者:Henry Colman 出版年:2010-3 页数:92 定价:$ 21.19 ISBN:9781146332590 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, int...
What is Religion WhatisReligion? Nosimpledefinitioncandescribethenumerousreligionsintheworld.Formanypeople,religionisanorganizedsystemofbeliefs,ceremonies,practices,andworshipthatcenteronsupremeGod,ortheDeity.Formanyothers,religioninvolvesanumberofgods,ordeities.SomepeoplehaveareligioninwhichnospecificGodorgodsare...
What is Religion? The term religion is derived from the Latin word, Religare meaning “to bond together”. Therefore, religion brings people from different cultures and communities together and gives a set of guidelines to survive together harmoniously in unison. The exact number of religions being...
What is religion? Whatever religion is it must be relevant to: 1. all kinds of people 2. all aspects of life 3. relate to social and public practices 4. relate to private experiences and practices What is religion? Religion: 1. involves the whole of life 2. is open to all kinds of...
詹姆斯指出,宗教领域可以整体划分为两个分支:“制度的宗教”(institutional religion)和“个人的宗教”(personal religion)。“制度宗教”注重神性,主要表现为崇拜、献祭、神学、仪式、教会等等,反之,“个人宗教”最关心的是人,或者说人的内在性情构成了兴趣中心,像人的良知、美德、无助、不完满等等。
What Is Religion? to my post “Religions are Expressions of Culture, Not Absolute Higher Knowledge”:All the religions that exist in our world are not real. They are nothing more than cultural traditions. Baal HaSulam writes about genuine religion in his article, “The Essence of Religion ...
When Americans are asked by pollsters about their religious identity, the fastest-growing major group consists of those who don't affiliate with any organized religion.
I think, if one has gone into it very deeply, one can discover such a mind for oneself. A mind that has broken down, destroyed, all the barriers, all the lies which society, religion, dogma, belief have imposed upon it, and gone beyond to discover what is true, is the true religiou...
What Is Religion? 作者:Kalman, Bobbie 出版年:2009-3 页数:32 定价:$ 30.06 ISBN:9780778746362 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单