Briefly define cultural ethical relativism. Describe on example of a cultural practice that raises moral concerns and explain what these concerns are. Define ethics and describe the three ethical theories. Explain cultural relativism in simple terms. ...
There is a pretty devastating problem with this sort of proposal,which is that it is difficult to spell out this idea of a ‘presupposition’ such that it is strong enough to deal with Gettier cases and yet not so strong that it prevents us from having most of the knowledge that we thin...
“originally” my own, is the result of many hours of my training the AI and asking it interesting questions, selecting only the answers that may be helpful to my readers. In this instance, I feel the text below is very clarifying, especially the reference to how social conditioning can ...
In sum, the findings of a pervasive implicit mode of learning, and the limited role of explicit learning in improving performance in complex control tasks, point to a default mode for SLA that is fundamentally implicit, and to the need to avoid declarative knowledge when designing L2 pedagogical...
Explain cultural relativism in simple terms. Explain why judgment accuracy in person perception is important in the employment interview. Give an example of a common interview error. Describe the Gestalt cycle, and explain how "analysis paralysis" occurs. ...
This could be confused with post-modern extreme relativism, but in fact it is the precise opposite. Myth is not less true than history, but more true. History tells of things that might or might not have been. Myth tells of those things that cannot not be. History tells of chance events...
Zhuangzi’s work is a core text in the movement of scepticism and relativism. He is mostly concerned with wondering why people try so hard to split the world into dual notions, such as “Right and Wrong”, “Good and Evil”, “Smooth and Crunchy” and more importantly, “I and Thou”...
Human nature is the fundamental nature and substance of humans, as well as the range of human behavior that is believed to be invariant over long periods of time and across very different cultural contexts.In pre-modern and non-scientific understandings of nature, this meant that human nature ...
Moral relativism holds that moral codes are a function of human values and social structures, and hold no meaning outside social convention. Moral absolutism is the view that certain acts are right or wrong regardless of context. Moral universalism compromises between moral relativism and moral ...
Carl Rogers is considered by many as one of the pioneers of humanistic psychology. Rogers was nominated as the ninth most eminent psychologist of the 20th century by a 2002 review. He developed person-centered therapy and proposed various concepts such as congruency and condi...