Strong AI: Also known as “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) or “general AI,” possess the ability to understand, learn and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level equal to or surpassing human intelligence. This level of AI is currently theoretical and no known AI sys...
联合国气候报告反复强调,要把全球升温幅度控制在1.5摄氏度以内。此前《巴黎协定》提出的目标是,要把升幅控制在2摄氏度以内,同时尽力不超过1.5摄氏度。全球升温1.5度和2度的区别到底有多大?A crushed bottle is seen on the dry ground of the Jaguari dam, which is part of the Cantareira reservoir sys...
For those eligible to claim the standard Child Tax Credit who don't owe on their taxes, you may also qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit. Unlike the nonrefundable CTC, this credit is refundable, which means that if you don't owe money on your tax
A useful way to understand the importance of generative AI is to think of it as a calculator for open-ended, creative content. Like a calculator automates routine and mundane math, freeing up a person to focus on higher-level tasks, generative AI has the potential to automate the more rout...
there are some signs that things could get back to a semblance of normal. Inflation in rich countries fell to 2 percent in 2024 from about 4 percent, and the I.M.F. expects it to stay roughly at that level this year, sugges...
Before automation and analytics, this type of personalization was impossible due to its sheer scope; with big data, this level of granularity improves engagement and enhances the customer experience. Improved operational efficiency. Every department generates data, even when teams don’t really think ...
and watchOS 11. Widgets on Apple Watch now support interactivity and animations, and widgets on iPhone and iPad allow for accenting specific parts of a widget to make them stand out when the Home Screen is tinted. The Smart Stack in watchOS 11 is even smarter with the ability to add relev...
On the other hand, a process is a higher-level overview of how multiple procedures or tasks fit together to achieve a larger goal or objective. It outlines the “what” and “why” behind related tasks. It helps employees understand how their responsibilities contribute to the bigger picture....
Unsystematic risk is the risk that is unique to a specific company or industry. It's also known as nonsystematic risk,specific risk, diversifiable risk, or residual risk. In the context of an investment portfolio, unsystematic risk can be reduced through diversification—while systematic risk is ...
In December 2008, the Fed reduced its rate to the lowest level possible of essentially zero as a stimulus to lift the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession. It left rates anchored there for a full seven years.During that time, deposit rates of all kinds—savings, money market, and ...