DiRT Rally 2.0 GOTYELDEN RINGF1 22FIFA 23Forza Horizon 4Gears 5 HivebustersGhostrunnerHITMAN World of AssassinationHogwarts LegacyHorizon Zero DawnIndikaLords of the Fallen (2023)Mafia IIIMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles MoralesMiddle Earth Shadow of WarMortal Kombat 11NieR Automata Game of the YoRHa ...
It is, however, not perfect yet. When set to performance mode you may well notice some degradation in overall visual quality depending on what you're playing. A slight blurriness may occur when compared to running at 4K with DLSS off. For the most part though the technology works...
DiRT Rally 2.0 GOTYELDEN RINGF1 22FIFA 23Forza Horizon 4Gears 5 HivebustersGhostrunnerHITMAN World of AssassinationHogwarts LegacyHorizon Zero DawnIndikaLords of the Fallen (2023)Mafia IIIMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles MoralesMiddle Earth Shadow of WarMortal Kombat 11NieR Automata Game of the YoRHa ...
It is, however, not perfect yet. When set to performance mode you may well notice some degradation in overall visual quality depending on what you're playing. A slight blurriness may occur when compared to running at 4K with DLSS off. For the most part though the technology works well and...