“What is real is rational”是德国哲学家黑格尔的一句名言,其含义是现实的东西都是合乎理性的,强调现实与理性之间的内在联系。以下是对这句话的详细解释: 一、名言出处与原文 “What is real is rational”是黑格尔的一句名言的英译,原文为德语:“Was vernünftig ist, d...
回复@香飘两岸: 存在即合理来自于黑格尔的名言,实际上是翻译错误,应该翻译成:一切存在都是有逻辑的 what is real is rational Rational是合乎理性的合乎逻辑的,所以翻译成合理的,但中文中合理还有正确的意思,在德文和英文里面就没有这个价值判断了。//@香飘两岸:回复@ZZ贵州茅台价值之道:很讨厌那些翻译夹杂私货 ...
许多人不服。原文是这样的:Was vernünftig ist, das ist wirklich; und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig。翻译成英文:What is rational is real; and what is real is rational.凡是现实的东西都是理性的,凡是理性的东西都是现实的。由于国人没学过“理性”,就还是不懂。简单说,相对于感性吧。知乎提...
只不过“存在即合理”是误译,黑格尔原话是 “Was vernünftig ist, das ist wirklich, und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig.” 翻译成英文 “What is rational is real; And what is real is rational.”想要完全理解要看学黑格尔的哲学体系再看这句话的语境,我不懂,不过单看英文翻译也能知道real对应...
英文译作What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. 或,All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is real. 或,What exists is reasonable.但是这些翻译其实都并不准确。存在即合理,出自黑格尔的《法哲学原理》序。有人认为这句话中的“理”是rational的意思。所以原句的...
英文1:What is reasonable is real; that which is real is reasonable英文2:What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational.黑格尔的原话应该翻译成:凡是合乎理性的都是现实的,凡是现实的都是合乎理性的。有点像佛学所言:有果必有因,有因必有果...
“存在即合理”是误译?这锅黑格尔背太久了… What is rational is real; and what is real is rational. - 侃哥侃英语于20240503发布在抖音,已经收获了2257.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
a1. What is rational ignorance? What is irrational ignorance? What are the factors that determine what you will be rationally ignorant about? Give some examples of your rational ignorance. 1. 什么是合理的无知? 什么是不合理的无知? 什么是确定的因素什么您将合理地是无知的关于? 您合理的无知的...
what is real 作文what is real 英文回答: What is real? This is a question that has puzzled philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries. The concept of reality is complex and multifaceted, and it can be approached from various perspectives. From a philosophical standpoint, reality can ...
To be sure, the debate is worth engaging with for its internal theoretical-analytical coherence and, whenever judges take part in it, real-life impact.Footnote 58 However, it does not enable one to properly uncover and contextualise the epistemic-ontological connotations of the type of reasoning ...