“For the first time, I declare my position regarding what is happening in Syria: Bashar Al-Assad is a delinquent, a criminal and a child-killer… The regime of Assad is the most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world. Shame on anyone who continues to remain silent. Every moment...
There was even a ballad advertising the fatigue dress and uniform. Not surprisingly, the popular color at that time was gray and denim blue. Then it comes to the 1960s. Everybody at that time was eager to take part in the army to protect our country. Consequently, the camouflage color ...
The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army, which is part of the rebel coalition that took control of most of Aleppo city, said Sunday it had seized control of the city of Tal Rifaat and the towns of Ain Daqna and Sheikh Issa in the northern part of the Aleppo governorate. It ...