Ram: 2x8gb 2666 c16 hyperx fury, tuned the absolute balls out of it but def not stehble. Mobo: Asus Prime H310M-K Gpu: Igpu Case: Coolermaster MB311L Expand freeagent 1 DarkSmith2 Member 2.3k 16 Posted November 26, 2021 memtest86 is not to test stability, its to test...
So I have been tooking at temps on my laptop while gaming for as long as I have owned it and tried many different things to keep them reasonable, but they will still spike at times. I know it is a laptop and cooling with a laptop is not easy. As such I h
what if someone already mitmed the ram / membus, so they feed what looks to be like cipher text. The main idea is kinda to tie Secure Boot into this, so down the chain it can be guaranteed the system booted untampered and data flowing over the membus (after posting) is transparently...
(I will continue to keep this 1st post up to date as long as this forum is alive and kicking) (last updatedJun 8, 2015 6:44pmCDT) OK what has the "ILL-Gotten Gains: Part 1 DLC" changed? http://gtaforums.com/topic/800092-ok-what-has-the-ill-gotten-gains-part-1-dlc-changed ...
Biologic sex and gonadal hormones matter in human aging and diseases of aging such as Alzheimer’s – and the importance of studying their influences relates directly to human health. The goal of this article is to review the literature to date on sex an
Hello All The information we are receiving suggests there is a common thread in the Crash reports and likely a common program or programs which are causing the problems.In order for us to identify that program or programs, we need to see what you are run
What molecule is released by Cajal-Retzius cells in the marginal zone that interacts with migrating neurons? A. BDNF B. Reelin C. Neurotrophin D. Laminin 查看完整题目与答案 色谱分离过程中利用了离心力的是 。 A. 超高效液相色谱 B. 超临界流体色谱 C. 高速逆流色谱 D. 高效液...
—I want .[ ]某企业甲产品由两道工序加工而成,原材料随加工进度在各个工序陆续投入。本月完工产品1200件,月末在产品900件,其中第一道工序在产品400件,完工程度是40%,第二道工序在产品500件,完工程度是60%。每件甲产品材料消耗定额是160千克,其中第一道工序材料消耗定额是120千克,第二道工序材料消...
Hello, i know this is a bit random, but my 2 friends for around couple of years ago had a headset that sounded quite distant right. I'm wondering which headsets have this sound quality. Because i remember it sounding so good. It feels like the sound is c