ragging, raiding, railing, rainbow, rainier, rainily, raining, rainout, raising, raisins, raisiny, ralline, ramekin, ramming, ramping, ranging, ranking, ranting, rapines, rapping, rappini, rasping, ratfink, ratines, ratings, ratline, ratlins, ratting, ravelin, ravined, ravines, raving...
Person B: Nodude, she isragging. Person A: Oh, so you're going toride the Hershey Highway? See more words with the same meaning:anal sex. Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted byBryan H.from Jefferson College, Missouri 63050, USA onJan 09 2006. ...
“For the first time, I declare my position regarding what is happening in Syria: Bashar Al-Assad is a delinquent, a criminal and a child-killer… The regime of Assad is the most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world. Shame on anyone who continues to remain silent. Every moment...
You may remember me ragging on the labeling for some Icelandic yogurt that I saw in a Philly Whole Foods earlier this year, due to the label suggesting that “Skyr” was somehow special because it used Icelandic bacteria cultures — like every local yogurt doesn’t use local cultures. Turns...
Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” Covid Italy: no mourning allowed during “shopping therapy” Italian hostage liberated, and the melodrama against her begins When propaganda parades as “common sense” Could Italy’s economic policy have contrib...
Decorative painting is a broad category that encompasses numerous painting techniques and mediums applied to a variety of surfaces. Contemporary decorative painting includes tole painting, folk art, and faux finishing.
” with as much authority (and, having seen reruns of “The Facts of Life” not too long ago, I think we should all be glad of that), but we still watch much the same thing as each other. It is, if anything, a happy thing for our culture that it’s the quality of the ...
It’s the first book of a series called the Chrestomanci Chonicles, that I’d been meaning to read for a while. Diana Wynne Jones is a very well known British writer who passed away a few years ago, and is one of those folks whom I’ve been hearing about for years (she’s a gr...