The RADIUS protocol is a mature authentication protocol that is incorporated in many networking products and is integrated with directory service software for authorization and accounting. For example, RADIUS is implemented in Microsoft's Network Policy Server, which integrates with Microsoft Active Directo...
When a satellite sends a signal, it creates a circle with a radius measured from the GPS device to the satellite. When we add a second satellite, it creates a second circle, and the location is narrowed down to one of two points where the circles intersect. With a third satellite, the...
Why Is 2FA Required? Since the emergence of the Internet and as computers and network technologies are rapidly developing, it has become more and more common for individual users to exchange information over computer networks. Recent years have seen the emergence of e-commerce, e-government, and...
RADIUS uses UDP as its transport protocol. UDP is a connectionless protocol, which means that each packet is sent independently and does not require a connection to be established beforehand. This makes RADIUS very scalable, because it can support a large number of clients without requiring a lot...
“Blast Radius”:In the event of an internal or external breach, this principle aims to minimize the impact and extent of the damage caused. By adopting micro-segmentation techniques and isolating network resources into smaller, segregated segments, the potential lateral movement of attackers is ...
by checking their wireless connection options, selecting one and entering authentication information (usually a simple password). The physical connectivity zone is determined by the range of the wireless access devices owned by the establishment. In most cases, the radius is about 100 to 200 meters...
As shown in the following figure, BRAS (such as AAA,DHCP, andRADIUS) and CP functions are implemented by virtual universal servers and software. The UP functions are implemented by physical BRASs or universal servers and software. Physical BRASs ensure low-delay forwarding of heavy traffic, and...
AccountsSystems HardeningUser Access Review (UAR)Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability ScanningWhat is a Pass-the-Hash Attack (PtH)?Windows AuditingZero Standing Privileges Glossary 1m Glossary 37m
In Active Directory, what does authorization? Kerberos, RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS+, or SAML? Do you know what is Active Directory? Answer your questions here! Read More File Replication Service File Replication Service is a multi-master, multi-threaded replication technology. Although FSR still works ...
is the ratio of a circle's circumferenceCto its diameterd: π = C/d. The circumference of a circle is, in turn, equal to 2πr, whereris the circle's radius. No matter how big or small a circle is, this relationship will always be the same, which is why it's called a constant...