In an era in which sex and religion are often portrayed as antagonists, it can be a bit hard to fathom the view of somerabbisthat the Song of Songs represents the Holy of Holies, capturing the flow of divine love and the restoration of harmony between God and creation. Likewise,Christian...
As Emma told her congregation: on the day we arrived, we tripled the population of female rabbis in the nation of South Africa, and probably on the entire African continent. This was primarily meant to be a fun adventure, but we had several “missions” while we were there: to deliver ...
Peter Schweitzer The City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism emphasizes that many rabbis are taking additional duties as community organizer and fundraiser. Shefa Gold of C-DEEP: Center for Devotional Energy and Ecstatic Practice stresses that he sees the role of rabbi as a spiritual calling....
Modern Orthoprax & Heterodox Or Am I? Rabbi Larry Bach The Edible Torah JTA An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. NetworkedBlogs NetworkedBlogs Blog: Frume Sarah's World Topics: Jewish,Parenting,Religion Follow my blog...
What is a Golem? A golem is a type of monster from Jewishfolklore. It is made of clay in the form of a giant man and can carry out the wishes of its creator. In most stories, golems are made by rabbis. The idea is that a holy man, in his closeness to God, attains some God-...
Who Is a Jew? Who is a Jew, According to the Torah? Is being Jewish passed along by the father or the mother? Has that ever changed? What made our ancestors Jewish? Where in the Torah does it say what makes a person Jewish? Did the Rabbis change this Law?
and theShabbat.The rabbis expandedthe rangeofpractices to cover all aspects of ordinarylife, actionsthatcan be performed by anyindividual, notjust priests, in anyplace,not onlyinthe Temple.But for all their differences, bothIsraelite biblical religionandrabbinicJudaism are primarilyfocused on howtoact...
What about chicken is Kosher - they don't fly - they "hop". They eat each other - dead or alive also. Byanon2026— On Jun 24, 2007 The rule about fish and meat together has nothing to do with kashrut, but was a recommendation by some ancient rabbis. Fish and meat are usually not...
religion and actually, and this is controversial if you believe that God wrote, you know, the Abrahamic texts, but at the time they kind of made this call, which was like, we have an opportunity to revise the way this religion works and turn it into something exactly like what you're ...
What about chicken is Kosher - they don't fly - they "hop". They eat each other - dead or alive also. Byanon2026— On Jun 24, 2007 The rule about fish and meat together has nothing to do with kashrut, but was a recommendation by some ancient rabbis. Fish and meat are usually not...