Data on the effects of conservation on human well-being is currently scattered across multiple sources, many of which are inaccessible to policy makers and other decision makers [37]. In the absence of a more comprehensive evidence base, anecdotal evidence is frequently used to support or refute ...
The evidence base is growing on conservation-human well-being linkages, but biases in the extent and robustness of articles on key linkages persist. Priorities for systematic review, include linkages between marine resource management and economic/material well-being outcomes; and protected areas and g...
——“what past is prologue”——【转发】@人民日报:【今天,为地球母亲发条微博】2016至2020年是有记录以来最热5年,#全球超3.7万物种濒临灭绝#,人类每年有800万吨塑料垃圾最终流入海洋,#全球每年700万人因空气污...
In this review, we discuss what is known about the alphavirus exit pathway during a cellular infection. We describe the viral protein interactions that are critical for virus assembly/budding and the host factors that are involved, and we highlight the recent discovery of cell-to-cell ...