How do you know if a patient is in the QMB program? As Gawenda explained during the webinar, when you get your remittance advice, you can look for remark code N781 or N782, which indicate QMB status. You can also see this information in Medicare eligibility data or check through your ...
DX Squelch function to mute the receiver until a spot is clicked (Tools/DX Squelch button) ; see also Preference/Terminal to set up the delay. DXCC Summary (Details) : Option for Sort Order DX Spots (fix) : invalid spots are rejected if spot status option checked HAMCall : new DLL DX...
MSQMental Status Questionnaire MSQMoral Sensitivity Questionnaire MSQManhattan String Quartet(New York, NY) MSQMinsk, Belarus - Minsk(Airport Code) MSQMinimum Stock Quantity(inventory) MSQMatriculating Student Questionnaire MSQModern String Quartet
MSRMode Status Register MSRMission Support Request(US DoD) MSRMedical Student Research(various schools) MSRMinera San Rafael(Guatemalan mining company) MSRMarch, Strathspey & Reel(bagpipe music competition) MSRMaster/Slave Relationship(band) MSRMinimum Size Requirement ...