17. What is the formula for calculating Margin of Safety?PV Ratio / Profit Profit / PV Ratio Profit / Sales Contribution / Fixed CostAnswer: B) Profit / PV RatioExplanation:The term margin of safety is utilized in bookkeeping and putting resources into alluding to the degree to which ...
Finally, you can use all of this information to define another substance-specific variable, γ, which is the ratio of Cpto Cv, or Cp/Cv. You can see from the previous equation that this ratio increases for gases with higher values of R. The Cp and Cv of Air The Cpand Cvof air are...
What is the hurdle benefit/cost ratio above, in which the land should be developed immediately? What is the difference between a 401K and a 401B? How is risk measured? Define coupon rate. What is the difference between the typical hurdle rate at an oil and gas E&P company and an oil ...
This regular adjustment of the current-to-voltage ratio is why it is called maximum power point tracking; it constantly tracks and adjusts the current and voltage as environmental conditions change throughout the day or season. How Does an MPPT Solar Charge Controller Work? An MPPT solar charg...
What is the PV Fill Factor?Fill factor (FF) is the ratio of the actual maximum obtainable power, represented by the dark blue box, to the product of short circuit current Is/c and open circuit voltage Vo/c, represented by the light blue box. The Fill Factor is essentially a measure ...
But, the ideal gas rate is RT/P. Therefore, the compressibility factor can be defined as the ratio of real gas volume to ideal gas volume, i.e, Compressibility factor Z= Vreal=Videal. At every low pressure and high temperature, all the gases act as the ideal gases. So when the pre...
因为折射镜大多都是小口径,所以衡量其精度的两个重要参考值就是镜筒的Wavefront PV(波前误差值)和Strehl Ratio(斯太尔率),波前误差(WaveFront PV)指的是在最终成像面位置的误差值(而不是单个镜片表面误差值),APO望远镜几片玻璃是一个整体,互相搭配实现最佳组合最终得出一个波前误差值。关于波前误差的影响,简单...
This is what is known as the present value of $1,000 USD at a discount rate of five percent. The formula used to calculate for present value is PV = P/〖(1+i)〗^n. P stands for the principal, or cash; i equals the discount rate; and n represents the number of periods. ...
1000 PFLOPS is equal to the computing power of tens or even hundreds of millions of PCs. Let's take another example with Hash/s. The number of hash collisions that a mining machine can perform per second to obtain Bitcoins represents its computing power. The ratio of the mining machine ...
What is threshold voltage of a silicon diod? What terms and levels can arise from the configuration... 4p^1 3d^1? Explain details! What is homeostasis? What are some of its effects on humans? What is the age of an artifact with a 14C/12C ratio that is 10.4% of its original level?