CBT is available through the NHS. You can talk to your GP, self-refer in some areas, or find a private therapist. It's important to check if your therapist is accredited with the BABCP to ensure they meet high standards of training and experience. For more details and to find an accred...
The terms cyberstalking andcyberbullyingare often used interchangeably. Cyberstalking, however, is actually a form of cyberbullying, which -- along with cybersquatting andcyberterrorism-- is among the growing number of computer- and internet-related crimes, collectively referred to ascybercrime. There...
is being paranoid and she finds this extremely offensive and doesn't like the word to be associated with her. She says that she has always been that way, even at primary school, but now as she has begun uni away from home, it has began to effect her more. It seems that she is ...
Breaking stuff isn’t a new thing. In the UK we’ve had crockery and plate smashing at fairgrounds for hundreds of years. But this is different. This is a cascade of rage. I’m telling you people, this is a very strong weak signal and indicative of something quite nasty potentially. A...
CBT is an incredibly widely used and prescribed type of therapy, for example, in England it is offered to anyone through the NHS because of its effectiveness.[1]It is applicable in lots of different settings and can benefit very different kinds of people, so in the clinical community it is...
Finally, CBT is offered through some private practices and health insurance schemes. How long does a CBT session last? The timing of a CBT session can vary, says Dr Karagiannis. While some sessions might last an hour, they can be as short as 20 minutes. According to the NHS, in a typ...
Got so distracted/excited here in person at#AutINSARthat I forgot to say:”Hi, my name is Josie, I’m interested in physical activity, health outcomes and first experiences of the autistic community.” Loving this convo. — Josie Blagrave (@blagraveaj)May 11, 2018 ...
Childbirth is one of the invaluable human experiences and is associated with parental happiness. However, when a child is born with congenital heart disease, it creates emotional and mental distress. As a result, it changes the parents’ response to thei
PMDD, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, is a severe type of PMS that can impact mental health. Here's what you need to know about symptoms and treatment.
E-therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: what is being used in the NHS? A survey of mental health services. To document the range of web and smartphone apps used and recommended for stress, anxiety or depression by the National Health Service (NHS) in England.The... M,...