What is a floodplain zone? Flood Projection A floodplain is the land around a river or lake that could potentially experience flooding during periods of high precipitation or snowmelt runoff. As flooding can be predicted with some accuracy it is important to ensure that areas prone to damage by...
The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for nautical purposes because of its ability to represent lines of constant course, known as rhumb lines or loxodromes, as str...
What is the purpose of a map projection? What is Amhara? What is Lammastide? What is an apse? What is glocalization in geography? What is circular migration? What is transmigration in geography? What is wiretapping? What century is generally referred to as the classical period of sociology?
Borneman, Elizabeth.“Types of Map Projections.” Geography Realm “Equal Area Projection Maps Advantages and Examples.” GIS Geography “What Is a Map Projection – Map Projection Definition.” Caliper.com “What Is an Equal Area Projection – Definition.” n.d. ...
However,Google Maps and Google Earthnow have a “global” projection, instead of using Web Mercator at small scales which resembles the true shape of the Earth. Why Use Web Mercator? The main reason is that the Mercator projection preserves direction. No matter where you are in the world usi...
A GeoTIFF is apublic domainmetadata standardwhich has the georeferencing information embedded within the image file so there is no accompany .tfw file needed. The georeferencing information is included by way of tif tags that contains spatial information about the image file such asmap projection,co...
A GeoTIFF is apublic domainmetadata standardwhich has the georeferencing information embedded within the image file so there is no accompany .tfw file needed. The georeferencing information is included by way of tif tags that contains spatial information about the image file such asmap projection,co...
GeometryLocationProvider- Creates geometries using an attribute containing ArcGIS REST Geometry JSON. (also handles projection) New task to do standard geography queries:StandardGeographyQueryTaskuses the ArcGISStandard geography queryservice to query for standard geographies. ...
What religion do the Taliban believe in? What is Uzbekistan known for? What does a natural resource map do? What is a natural resource map? What is a Mercator map projection? Where is North Waziristan? What country is directly north of Yemen?
What is the global community in sociology? What are learning resources? What are examples of ubiquitous resources? What is the ecology of public administration? What is a map projection? Which type of resource is not an economic factor of production? What are some communication resources in relat...