In this chapter, I have looked into what qualifies a profession, and highlighted some conditions of professional status that will be particularly relevant in the later discussions of leadership as a profession. For the purpose of the question of this book, I have chosen three main topics: ...
Q1-3The most important factor in promoting ethical decision making among an investment firm’s employees is: A. a strong culture of integrity by the firm’s senior management. B. adoption of a code of ethics that clearly defines the firm’s ethical principles. C. the investment professional’...
Personal presentation attributes have long been understood to affect perceptions of competence and capabilities. To that end, this study investigates seven attributes associated with favorable interview presentation, including overall physical attractiveness, neatness and grooming, clothing color, conservative ver...
A、Competence B、Professional C、Qualification D、Deficient 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 判断题燃油系统所用的孔式喷油器一般采用2-4个孔 点击查看答案 单项选择题下列所得不征个人所得税的是( ) A. 职工取得得单位发放的奖金 B. 个体户取得的营业收入 C. 独生子女补贴 D. 劳务,报酬所得 点击...
What is the antonym for “competent”? A、Competence B、Professional C、Qualification D、Deficient 点击查看答案
A competency model is a framework that defines the skills, knowledge, and behaviors an employee needs to succeed in a specific role. It differs from skills and competence in that it refers to a collection of specific things an employee must do to perform their job effectively. This collection...
Our research suggests that organizational decision makers should consider the role of empathy, personal values, and the five-factor model in their human resource management in order to select employees with high ethical competence. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution...
An important facet of professional competence is the professional knowledge acquired by the trainees. It is defined as the knowledge that people need to practice their profession, for example, to solve complex problems at workplace (Kirschner 2013; Riedl 2003). Measuring professional knowledge is con...
12、professional competence,.A. experienceB . educational psychologyC. received knowledgeD. reflection1 3 . Task principle means activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promote learning.A. This is the view of communicative approach about competenceB . This involves...
An agent is always tasked with acting with care and competence when handling affairs of the principal. The standard is often held that the agent must act as the principal would, using discretion as if it would incurring the personal gain or loss. Though the level of care may not be explici...