SSL handshake: Web browser validates the presence of an SSL certificate on your server. Server sends certificate: Necessary information including the type of SSL certificate, level of encryption and more is sent to browser. User confirms certificate validity: Web browser checks certificate is from a...
Retail operations include the payment methods you accept and how you process them at checkout. Most retailers have a point-of-sale (POS) system that enables them to serve customers, take payments, issue receipts, and keep track of sales. Getting this part of retail operations right is two-...
While plenty of dropshipping partners are top-quality suppliers, you should be aware there are some bad actors, too. You might encounter some suppliers that have a professional presence but deliver in a less-than-professional manner. For example, there are scammers who claim to sell brand-name...
Bionic Gloves is a specialty gloves retailer for golf and other sports, based out of the United Kingdom. They maintain an active online presence and get a large part of their sales and revenue through their website and eCommerce store. But they had identified a significant issue with abandone...
Check out ourblogto learn more about how IP addresses work, their importance, and how to manage your online presence effectively. Also, be sure to read ourIP 101: The Basics of IP Addresses. What is a public IP address? A public IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to each ...
This signature is verified against a public cryptographic key that is published in the domain’s DNS records. The presence of a valid DKIM signature indicates that the email has not been altered in transit, providing a form of integrity check in addition to the SPF‘s authorization check. ...
Reduced downtime.Companies with a global presence and multiple locations in different time zones can benefit from load balancing, especially when it comes to server maintenance. For example, a company can shut down the server that needs maintenance and route traffic to the other available load bala...
Checking for HTTPS is one of the easiest ways to check if a website is safe. If a site is using this secure protocol, you’ll see a little padlock icon in your browser’s address bar, and the URL will begin with “HTTPS.” Don’t enter personal details on any site that still use...
If you have a brick-and-mortar presence in their area, you can also offer an additional coupon good for not only that location but any other you may maintain. Personalizing customer experience Personalizing customer interactions with anyone seeking information about your products or services is an ...
Bionic Gloves is a specialty gloves retailer for golf and other sports, based out of the United Kingdom. They maintain an active online presence and get a large part of their sales and revenue through their website and eCommerce store. But they had identified a significant issue with abandone...