This can be done in theapplication.ymlfile: dependencies: -name:apicontent: -name:cas-server-coreid:coregroupId:org.apereo.casartifactId:cas-server-coredescription:My CAS Modulebom:cas-bomaliases: -core You may also need toblank outcas-initializr.metadata-urlsetting to prevent the initializr ...
You can also specify a custom function in your .ncurc.js file, or when importing npm-check-updates as a module. ⚠️The predicate function is only available in .ncurc.js or when importing npm-check-updates as a module, not on the command line. To convert a JSON config to a JS ...
I think the problem is thatpip3is looking at thepyproject.tomlfile for figuring out how to install it, and from there it can see that dependencies are managed by Poetry. I think the simplest solution is to just delete thepyproject.tomlfile before runningpip3 install. ...
Perl now allows prefixing the module name with -, with the same semantics as -M; that is: "-d:-foo" Equivalent to -M-Devel::foo: expands to "no Devel::foo" and calls "Devel::foo->unimport()" if that method exists. "-d:-foo=bar" Equivalent to -M-Devel::foo=bar: expands ...
body:after { display: none; content: url("filename1.png") url("filename2.png"); } This entry was posted in Software, web servers on June 22, 2015 by markn. Renewing my Namecheap SSL Certificate on Linode Apache2 Web Server This post is something of a reminder to myself. How...
1. Monitor the specified configuration file of a specific configuration center (Nacos, Apollo are implemented by default), and other implementations can be extended through the SPI interface provided internally 2. Parse the content of the configuration file, built-in parsing of yml and properties co...
The release process is already meticulously documented in theRELEASE.mdfile in the git repo--these are the steps that I follow myself each time I make a release. But also, I always end up tweaking and updating this file with each release, and I'm sure I'll do with this release. ...
In Plant Applications Administrator’s variable sheet, to set a variable alias, a new column called Variable Alias is added. To control the display of the Variable Alias field instead of the Variable Name field, in the app properties YML file, a property called DisplayVariableAlias is added...
PG::ConnectionBad: could not connect to server: No such file or directoryIs the server running locally and acceptingconnections on Unix domain socket "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/lib/tasks/gitlab/db.rake:48:in `block (3 levels) in...
The easiest way to get started using these command line applications is by means of the PERL script which is bundled along with theBLAST+ applications. To utilize this script, simply prefix it to the invocation of the C toolkit BLAST command line application and append the -...