What is irm massgrave.dev/get iex What is irm massgrave.dev/get iexit is safe :) Sandeep Mulik1, Aug 30, 2024 #1 A aashishkumar3 Win User How to fix "iwr/irm : Unable to connect to the remote server error" in Powershell 5.1 Hello I am trying to install Scoop in my Wind...
MDM_Policy_Result01_WindowsPowerShell02 class (Windows) PlayButtonText Element Properties Element (Child of ButtonText) Technique Element Input Element ITransformProperty::get_EvaluationFunction IControlOutputSize::GetOutputSize Graph Element (Child of MainToScenesXTransition) Elements ButtonText Element O...
When the SSLCertificateOption property is configured to use a value of Existing and the Thumbprint property is empty or not set, it might appear incorrectly that installation of AD RMS has failed when using the Install-ADRMS cmdlet in a Windows PowerShell session. For example, u...
The following is a list of features available in the new Exchange Management Shell:Remote administration With the new Shell, you can connect to remote servers running Exchange 2010 across the network with only Windows Management Framework installed, which includes Windows PowerShell. For more ...
在Exchange 2013 中查看所有最新功能。Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 为 Exchange Server 产品线引入了一组丰富的新技术、功能和服务。 它的目标是支持人们和组织将工作重心从通信转移到协作。 同时 Exchange Server 2013 还可以帮助降低总拥有成本(无论是部署 Exchange 2013 内部部署还是在云中设置邮箱)。 Exchange ...
When the SSLCertificateOption property is configured to use a value of Existing and the Thumbprint property is empty or not set, it might appear incorrectly that installation of AD RMS has failed when using theInstall-ADRMScmdlet in a Windows PowerShell session. For example, under these conditio...
The following is a list of features available in the new Exchange Management Shell:Remote administration With the new Shell, you can connect to remote servers running Exchange 2010 across the network with only Windows Management Framework installed, which includes Windows PowerShell. For more ...
若要將 SharePoint 設定為在 Microsoft PowerShell 中一律使用 SMTP 連線加密,請使用不含 Set-SPWebApplicationDisableSMTPEncryption 參數的 Cmdlet。 例如:複製 $WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true } Set-S...
若要将 SharePoint 配置为从不使用 PowerShell 中的 SMTP 连接加密,请使用Set-SPWebApplication具有DisableSMTPEncryption参数的 cmdlet。 例如: 复制 $WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? { $_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true } Set-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebAp...
By default, the feature is disabled, however, to enable simple delegation use the following command line at an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt at an AD RMS provided PowerShell drive:複製 PS w:\SecurityPolicy\Delegation> Set-ItemProperty -path . –Name IsEnabled –Value $tr...