In FI Module PPV stands for Posting Period Variant. PPV is used to determine which periods to be open and closed. Using PPV u can restrict the users from making postings. You can define PPV in OBBO, assign in OBBP and define Open and Close Periods in OB52. Hope this information will s...
10 PUBLIC What's New in IS-H 618 What's New in IS-H 618 2 Support Package 031 2.1 SAP Ambulatory Care Management 2.1.1 DE: WCA Documents – Document Categories for New DALE-UV Procedure Adjusted (Changed) Verwendung This function is only relevant for the local version Germany. Das BG-...
8 PUBLIC What's New in IS-H 618 What's New in IS-H 618 2 Support Package 029 2.1 SAP Ambulatory Care Management 2.1.1 DE: Electronic Medication Order (ePrescription) - Use Comfort Signature (New) Use This function is only relevant for the local version Germany. Dem Benutzer steht nun...