Post-secondary education, also called higher or tertiary education, is an optional level of schooling beyond what is required by law in most places. University learning is one of the most common examples, but community colleges, vocational schools, and trade programs also qualify. People usually c...
Post-secondary education is the education or training received after high school. Post-secondary education can be offered in a variety of settings including college, university, trade school, or other certificate programs. Post-secondary education can teach the knowledge and skills required for certa...
Post-secondary or tertiary education, also referred to as third-stage, third level education, or higher education, is the non-compulsory educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, or gymnasium. Tertiar...
Rethinking equity in tertiary education: why we need to think as one sector and not two Equity policy in Australian tertiary education is differentiated by educational sector, with the higher education and vocational education and training sec... RL Lynch - 《National Association of Industrial & Te...
tertiary education means what?high education is senior high school or universtity or college? 答案 依次咯.Primary SchoolJunior high SchoolSenior high Schoolhigher education相关推荐 1请问小学、中学、初中、高中、高等教育 英语怎么说?tertiary education means what?high education is senior high school or ...
From tertiary education to innovating at work: What is really important for hotel managers?LearningEducationKnowledge transferRecruitmentSelectionInnovationThe goal of the present study was to examine the link between hotel managers' post-secondary education and the extent to which they used knowledge ...
What is post-primary education? What are student learning objectives? What is pre-elementary education? What is the main goal of k-12 science education? What does primary education mean? What grades are primary education? What are the goals of the Department of Education?
(2010), "What is the Private Return to Tertiary Education? New Evidence from 21 OECD Countries", OECD Journal: Economic Studies, Vol. 2010.Boarini, R., and H. Strauss. 2010. What is the private return to tertiary education? New evidence from 21 OECD countries. OECD Journal: Economic ...
This signals the need to complete postgraduate education in the least time possible and, in this respect, the UK seemed a better option than China or the USA. Another critical finding relates to the costs involved. The USA, which is often the first-choice destination, was discarded because ...
What is the role of formal education? What is post secondary education in the US? What is taught curriculum? What is the purpose of charter schools? What is the A.C.E. education system? What is an online education system? What are the different levels of the education system in India?