The example of India is very interesting. It's well know that a cast system has mostly determined social opportunity in India for hundreds of years. After India become a democracy, steps were taken to prevent discrimination. So positive discrimination laws came into place, giving those of lower...
3 ⅐ No. 5 What is genetic discrimination, and when and how can it be prevented? Mark A. Rothstein, JD, and Mary R. Anderlik, JD, PhD The public policy debate concerning the desirability and scope of legislation prohibiting genetic discrimination has be- come increasingly volatile. Last ...
Positive Discrimination v. Positive Action: What of the Future for Women in the Netherlands Police Service?doi:10.1177/0032258X9106400111In 1985 the Dutch government implemented a policy which aims to increase the representation of women within the police service to 25 percent. This article looks at...
In individuals who know more than one language, the languages are always active to some degree. This has consequences for language processing, but bilinguals rarely make mistakes in language selection. A prevailing explanation is that bilingualism is supported by strong cognitive control abilities, deve...
A tariff is a type of tax levied by a country on an imported good at the border. Historically, tariffs have been used by governments to collect additional revenue. But they are also a way for governments to try to protect domestic producers. ...
Eleanor Shaikh, who we’ve written about before, used the UK FOI law to help vindicate Sub-Postmasters caught in the post office Horizon scandal. If ATI is not working does it still have benefits? Access Info carried out a campaign in Malta when a person was told they couldn’t submit ...
The study of sexual dimorphism in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders is challenging due to the complex interplay of diverse biological, psychological, and social factors. Males are more susceptible to neurodevelopmental disorders including inte
However, this doesn't mean that an interpretation in terms of discrimination is a positive thing. Although it can protect against self-blame in extreme situations—as found in the experiments—perceiving discrimination tends to have a negative impact on wellbeing overall. ...
Women and men play video games in approximately equal numbers. Despite this similarity, video gaming is still strongly associated with men. A common justification for this stereotype is that, although women might play games, they should not be considered “true” or “hard-core” gamers because ...
And through our positive action work streams, we’re helping to shape family-friendly, flexibility, and menopause policies; uniform options to ensure everyone is comfortable to be and feel themselves at work; introduce female reverse mentoring and support Women in Data & Tech. Youth The vision ...