Port 5357 TCP UDP Web Services for Devices (WSDAPI)Unofficial Un-Encrypted App Risk 4 Packet Captures Edit / Improve This Page! Web Services for Devices (WSDAPI) (only provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008)Web Services for Devices (WSDAPI) (only provided by Windows Vista, ...
I was curious about port 5357. C:\Temp>netstat -aon | findstr -i listen | findstr 5357 TCP LISTENING 4 TCP [::]:5357 [::]:0 LISTENING 4 Request queue name: Request queue is unnamed. Version: 2.0 State: Active Request queue 503 verbosity level...
ie: for a HTTP server port 80/tcp or 80 (as tcp is the default) or with... Network - Address (Addressing) IPv4 is the most common network addressing architecture used, though the use of IPv6 has been growing since 2006. A host is addressed by a node id A process is addressed ...
DataSet.Tables' cannot be used like a method 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. 'System.Web.Mail.MailMessage' is obsolete: 'The recommended alternative is System.Net.Mail.MailMessage ? 'System.Web.UI.Page' does not contain a definition for 'LogActivity' 'System.Web.UI....
To read the STP port table if the MSTP port table is missing to maintain the MSTP topology on the Resource > Network Topology > Custom Topology > My Network View (MSTP Instance icon). ICC To adding these devices to the adapter-index.xml file for Cisco, ciscoC11118P, ciscoC1111X8P, ...
I used to stop, remove and run again some times in a year to get the last version of Gitlab. Today, I can't start the container because of : Error executing action `run` on resource 'bash[migrate gitlab-rails database]' I suppose my version is too old the update the persistent da...
Adjuvant therapy with imatinib is commonly used to reduce the likelihood of disease recurrence after primary surgery, and for this reason assessing the prognosis of newly resected tumors is one of the most important roles for pathologists. Approximately 15% of GISTs are negative for mutations in ...
The headsets displayport is connected to the GPU's only DP port, but I have never succeeded in making it be detected as a display or any type of video device, and the LCD screen seems never to be powered up. Only the tiny with LED on the front lights up, probably on account of the...
Adjuvant therapy with imatinib is commonly used to reduce the likelihood of disease recurrence after primary surgery, and for this reason assessing the prognosis of newly resected tumors is one of the most important roles for pathologists. Approximately 15% of GISTs are negative for mutations in ...