Ashwin Sah Quasipolynomial bounds on the inverse theorem for the Gowers norms [. 53:51 Jacob Tsimerman Large Compact Subvarieties of A_g (NTWS 211) 39:29 Dang-Khoa Nguyen The Pólya-Carlson dichotomy for some dynamical zeta functions ( 49:19 John Voight The Bezout identity and norms...
40 An arithmetic intersection formula for denominators of Igusa class polynomial 1:03:26 Undecidability in Number Theory 50:10 Abelian Varieties Multi-Site Seminar Series_ Drew Sutherland 1:10:26 Lifts of Hilbert modular forms and application to modularity of Abelian varietie 51:32 On the local ...
Well, we have many pseudopolynomial time algorithms for factoring integers. However, these algorithms are, technically speaking, exponential-time algorithms. This is very useful for cryptography: if you want to use RSA encryption, you need to be able to trust that we can't factor numbers easily...
What is P/NP/NPC/NP-hard problem? 摘要:多项式时间(Polynomial time)在计算复杂度理论中,指的是一个问题的计算时间m(n)不大于问题大小n的多项式倍数。任何抽象机器都拥有一复杂度类,此类包括可于此机器以多项式时间求解的问题。 以数学描述的话,则可说m(n) =O(nk),此k为一常数值(依问题而定)。 数学家...
The complexity of that algorithm in terms of the number of digits of the integer to be factored is something like: e^{(k + o(1))(n^(1/3) * ln(n)^(2/3)} which as mentioned at: Polynomial time and exponential time is not truly exponential, but it is superpolynomial. As of ...
Unfortunately, we were not able to achieve this; however, we do have a non-trivial method to compute the parity of in such a time; a bit more generally (and oversimplifying a little bit), we can compute various projections of the prime polynomial modulo some small polynomials g. This ...
Given any other ring , and any element of that ring, there is a unique ring homomorphism from to that maps to , namely the evaluation map that sends a polynomial form to its evaluation at . Applying (4) to this ring homomorphism, and specializing to the element of , we conclude that...
If you are a professional complexity theorist, it means that it has no polynomial-time solution. But for an EDA engineer, polynomial time with a big index is the same as useless. In fact, any index bigger than 1. Even an O(n2) algorithm is intractable when you are dealing with hundreds...
How are polynomial and exponential functions different? Why are imaginary numbers important? What does the superscript before a radical mean? Why do negative numbers in parentheses squared become positive? Using order of operations, should we give precedence to parantheses, or exponents first?
aStatistical parametric cost estimation involves collecting and organizing historical information using statistical techniques, and relating this information to the cost being estimated (Malstron,1984). The most commonly used statistical models are the linear, exponential, and polynomial models (Sheldon et ...