One's wife or female spouse “What thewifeywants, thewifeygets.” Noun ▲ A woman who is going to marry or who has just been married Adjective ▲ Having the characteristics of a wife, especially in the traditional sense “These men are actively looking for awifeywoman.” ...
does Santa Claus employ a team of elfs or elves? 'Elves' is the preferred plural of the industrious little helpers, or archers of Middle Earth, but early folklore doesn't depict them quite as noble. Read on for more on elves.
Also, being in the active voice, verbs should also agree with their subjects in number. For example, “He writes stories” is correct because the subject “he” is singular. “They write stories” is also correct because the subject “they” is plural. ...
What about making the noun plural? Comradery and camaraderie are noncount nouns, so you can’t make them plural by adding an s. They don’t have plural forms. After ten years of marriage, there was great comradery between the husband and wife. A little bit of camaraderie goes a long ...
-fenouns:wifebecomeswives, knifebecomesknives, lifebecomeslives Frustratingly, not every singular noun ending in-for-febecomes an irregular plural noun. For example, the plural ofroofisroofsand the plural ofsafeissafes.Thanks, English. Vowel changes ...
(fromyou+ones) is a South Midland form; it is being replaced byyou-all.youse(you+ the plural -sending of nouns), probably of Irish-American origin, is most common in the North, esp. in urban centers like Boston, New York, and Chicago. Bothyou-unsandyouseare considered nonstandard. ...
Define What is art. What is art synonyms, What is art pronunciation, What is art translation, English dictionary definition of What is art. abbr. antiretroviral therapy n. 1. a. The conscious use of the imagination in the production of objects intended t
Irregular nouns that are the same both singular and plural Sometimes you’ll come across a noun for which there is no singular form because just one word is versatile enough to refer to one or many of something. The following irregular nouns, usually pertaining to animals, illustrate this poin...
Singular(单数) and plural(复数) 1)Most nouns + s,example:boy-boys girl-girls map-maps 2)End with s, sh, ch, x + es,example:bus-buses box-boxes 3)End with y, 1>. y before a consonant -> i + es , example: country-contries dictionary-dictionaries ...
plural formulas orformulae\ -ˌlē , -ˌlī \ Why is Mrs abbreviated misses? Mrs. was originally anabbreviation for mistress, which at the time was the female counterpart of "master" and described a woman who was in charge, like a woman who was the head of a household. .....