An antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist, serving as an adversary that the protagonist must struggle against or overcome. Oftentimes, an antagonist pushes the story’s plot forward, while a foil contributes to character development. The main distinction is that a foil contrasts, ...
In this guide, we're going to talk about plot in literature. I'll share a broad definition of plot, then dive into the approach we use at The Write Practice (called The Write Structure). Finally, you'll learn the six elements of plot that make stories entertaining and memorable. Are y...
There are seven different types of imagery that writer’s use. All are in one way or another dependent on the reader’s senses. Let’s take a look at the types of imagery that are most commonly used in literature. What is imagery in poetry 1. Visual Imagery Visual imagery is most like...
In writing, plot is the sequence of events that guides a narrative such as a novel, short story, play, or film. Every time a character makes a choice or reacts to the consequences of a choice, the plot of the story moves forward. This pattern of cause and effect hurtles the protagonis...
Shakespeare is one of the most prominent writers of all time, so he has many great examples ofprose in literature. Skillfully using language to underscore social distinctions in his plays, he strategically uses prose and verse to show social status inAs You Like It. ...
Without a plot, a novel would be nothing more than a series of unrelated scenes. The plot is what binds everything together, driving the narrative forward. There are many different types of plots in literature, but some of the most common include: Linear plots, where events happen ...
In literature, parallelism crafts memorable lines and profound insights. Alexander Pope’s “To err is human, to forgive, divine” exemplifies this by contrasting human fallibility with the virtue of forgiveness, omitting the repetition of the verb for poetic effect. Charles Dickens’s A Tale of ...
Classic Authors and Works of Belgian Literature Revolution, Inquisition and Monks: Gothic in the Late 18th Century Examples of Ancient Pagan Sanctuaries Destroyed by Christians What Is "Poetic License"?: Definition and Examples
The Importance of Foils in Character Development and Plot Advancement In literature, foils, whether they are secondary characters or play a more dominant role, are often used to provide a sharp contrast to the main character's personality traits, highlighting certain qualities or aspects that are ...
To do that, though, you need to have a great plot. But what is plot, and how do you craft one into a great story? In this guide, we're going to talk about plot in literature. I'll share a broad definition of plot, then dive into the approach we use at The Write Practice (ca...