These plates keep moving away from or towards each other. Plate tectonics play an important role in shaping our planet. It is responsible for mountain range formation, oceanic trenches and occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes among many other geologic phenomena. What moves the Tectonic Plates? He...
This explains what is plate tectonics theory of divergent boundaries. Atlantic Ocean is a divergent boundaryThe continents on each side of the Atlantic Ocean have been drifting apart forming new seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean basin for millions of years. The rate the African Plate and the South ...
What tectonic plate is Puerto Rico on?Seismic Activity:When tectonic plates, which are the huge slabs of rock that slide and move beneath the Earth's surface, interact with one another, there's usually seismic activity that can be dangerous to local humans....
Tectonic Plates Lesson for Kids: Definition, Theory & Facts from Chapter 9/ Lesson 1 44K Discover the pieces of the Earth's crust known as tectonic plates. Explore the layers of the Earth, how tectonic plates move by convection currents in the mantle, the Plate Tectonic theory, and the lan...
What is the Pacific “Ring of Fire”? The Ring of Fire is the geographical area around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. It is called so because it is shaped as a horseshoe and it has more exploding, active volcanoes and earthquakes than any place on the earth. It stretches for 40,000...
The instrument used for measuring seismic vibrations during an earthquake is called a seismograph. Mineralogy is the specific area of Earth science that studies different aspects of minerals. This includes the chemical composition, physical features, type of forms, occurrence, and distribution in nature...
What is the meaning of transform plate boundary? The meaning of a transform plate boundary is that the Earth is transformed by its movement. This transformation occurs by displacing massive amounts of rock for a long distance or creating valleys and ridges along the boundary. These boundaries sli...
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The theory of plate tectonics states thatthe Earth's solid outer crust, the lithosphere, is separated into plates that move over theasthenosphere, the molten upper portion of the mantle. Oceanic and continental plates come together, spread apart, and interact at boundaries all over the planet....
The earths interior has a number of layers. The major layers are the crust, mantle and core. The core is divided into a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.