pKb is the criterion used to estimate the alkalinity of the molecule, whereas Kb or base dissociation constant is the criterion used to estimate a base's strength. It tells us about how much a base dissociates in an aqueous solution.
A titration is a quantitative technique which is used in chemistry . It is used to determine the accurate concentration of a solution when another solution of known concentration is added in it.Answer and Explanation: The purpose of titration is to find the concentration of an unknown solution. ...
The answer lies in its extreme properties. Fluoroantimonic acid is used inchemical engineeringandorganic chemistryto protonate organic compounds, regardless of their solvent. For example, the acid can be used to remove H2from isobutane and methane from neopentane. It is used as a catalyst for al...
The term FTU stands forformazine turbidity unit. It is also known asformazine nephelometric unit or FNU. It is similar to NTU in value but different in the method of measurement. However, there is no straightforward relationship between NTU and FNU/FTU because the turbidity measurement will dep...
Note: the inner 1s orbital is not shown; σ denotes the bonding configuration; σ* denotes the anti-bonding configuration, which leads to molecular instability and thus splitting of the constituting atoms. The colours represent the positive (green/yellow) or negative (blue/red) value of the ...