That can largely be attributed to the film’s genre: the female coming-of-age story (which I’m defining quite loosely) in which the protagonist in question is always presumed to be and must necessarily be white. It exists as a more progressive foil to the white male comin...
The best genres are based upon the denial of genre. Experimenting does not exist in a single palette and improvising even less so. The file labels are needed to figure out where to find more of the good stuff, but don’t let them convince you of anything more. What this is called may...
specifically autobiography. InMe, (below) I explore the trauma of breaking my brother’s leg (aged 2) and the finer points of keeping pet mice (Pixie, Dixie, Snowie, Fairie, Muffie and Squigie). It’s hard to see, but the faded end-piece pic is of me with assorted mice on my hea...
If you’re new to Friday Flash Fiction, our hostess, who sprinkles radioactive dust from her magic wand isPixie “The Purple Marionette” Wisoff-Fields. If you’d like to participate in this exercise in madness, head over to her blog for step-by-step instructions. To view the FFF Hollywo...
The fact that Deschanel’s schtick has been outed as that of the latest Manic Pixie Dream Girl does not help her cause. What Can A Movie Star Do Then? Nothing. It won’t work. Ever. Comfort is the enemy of rock and roll. If you are a movie star, thank God, Ron Hubbard, or ...
You seem to have a genre confusion. Harry Potter isn’t set in “this world,” any more than Jesus’ parable of the prodigal sons isn’t set in “this world.” Harry Potter is set in another version of this world in which there happen to exist specially gifted people with magical abil...
1.a good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street. (doug linder) 好的程序员即使在过单行道时也总是会环顾两边。 2.don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. if everything did, you’d be out of a job. (mosher’s law of software engineering) 不...