pip install -v flask==1.1.2 已经安装过的程序清单 pip list 显示安装的程序在电脑的位置 pip show package-name 每次换环境(如另外一个计算机或虚拟环境)就需要重新安装许多程序,输入指令重新安装很麻烦,所以通常都会将要安装的程序写在txt 文件里面,只需要install 这个txt文件就可以一次安装所有需要的程序! pip ...
$ pip install flask However, we can install the flask using the above command without creating the virtual environment.To test the flask installation, open python on the command line and type python to open the python shell. Try to import the package flask. ...
首先,确保你已经安装了 Flask。你可以通过以下命令使用 pip 安装 Flask: pip install flask 接下来,我们将创建一个简单的 Flask 应用程序并运行它。请在你的 IDE 编辑器中创建一个名为app.py的文件,并将以下代码粘贴到其中: fromflaskimportFlask app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')defhello():return'...
Flask类用于创建应用程序实例。@app.route('/')装饰器将主页 URL/映射到home函数,该函数返回消息“Hello Flask!”。 运行APP 现在,使用以下命令运行应用程序: flask run --debug 当我们在网页浏览器中访问http://时,我们会看到“Hello Flask!”消息。 在这种情况下,我们还以调试模式运行应用程序...
Now install flask pip install flask The simplest API you can build using this code below in flask. #!flask/bin/pythonfromflaskimportFlaskapp=Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')defindex():return"Hello World!"if__name__=='__main__':app.run(debug=True) ...
Step 2: Install FastAPI Open the Command Prompt Enter the following command: pip install fastapi Step 3: Install Uvicorn Uvicorn, an ASGI server, is necessary to run FastAPI applications. Install it using the following command: pip install uvicorn ...
flask 3.0.3 fastapi 0.115.0 uvicorn[standard] 0.30.6 gunicorn 23.0.0 dash-ag-grid 31.2.0 dash-mantine-components 0.14.4 dash-bootstrap-components 1.6.0 plotly 5.24.1 plotly-resampler 0.10.0 Limitations There is a limit of 10 apps in a Databricks workspace. Files used by an app cannot...
In Python, there is no editing, debugging, testing, and compilation steps, so it is very fast. Applications of Python Python can be used to develop a variety of applications like: Web Applications: Python boasts a variety of web development frameworks, including Django, Pyramid, Flask, and mo...
One of the many API-based Flask extensions, Flask-RESTful, is used to prototype the API, where we also delve into simple authentication mechanisms for stateless systems and even write a few tests along the way. A short detour is made into the world of Werkzeug, the WSGI toolkit that Flask...
pip install -r requirements.txt Install the required packages for the frontend: cd frontend/chatbot npm install Running the app Start the Flask backend: cd backend export FLASK_APP=main.py # On Windows, use set FLASK_APP=main.py flask run ...