Open Command Prompt. Type “ping” in the black box and then press space. Type the IP address you want to ping (e.g., 162.XXX.X.X). Evaluate the displayed output. For Linux, open Terminal. The different IP addresses through which your request is routed can be reviewed using the trac...
A ping is a signal sent to ahostthat requests a response. It serves two primary purposes: 1) to check if the host is available and 2) to measure how long the response takes. A ping request can be performed using apingcommand, which is a standard command in mostcommand line interfaces...
The ping command is a standardcommand linerequest for mostnetworks. The command works by sending a signal - anInternet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) echo request - to a host server to check for two things: if the target host is available, and, if so, how long the response takes. Respons...
What is the use of ping command ?
什么是pingWhatisPing 系统标签: pingnetworkcommandttlechodatagram 什么是ping(WhatisPing) Pingisaveryhighfrequencyutilityusedtodeterminewhether alocalhostcanexchange(sendandreceive)datagramswith anotherhost.Basedonthereturnedinformation,youcaninfer whethertheTCP/IPparameterissetproperlyandifitis runningproperly.Note:...
PING.EXE is a command-line utility in Microsoft Windows that is used to test the connectivity and latency between a source and a destination. When the PING command is executed, it sends a series of small packets to the specified destination, and then waits for a response. The utility then...
ping命令是干什么的,怎么用,(使用方法)(Whatdoestheping commanddoHowdoyouuseit) Whatdoesthepingcommanddo?Howdoyouuseit? Andwhataboutmsconfig?! The1flooradvertisementisreallyrubbish WhatisPing? Pingisatypicalnetworktool.Pingisabletoidentifycertain statesofnetworkfunctionality.Thestateofthesenetwork functionsisth...
The Ping commandis similar but slightly simpler. It measures the speed of a connection between two points, and the report shows how long it takes a packet of data to reach its destination and return to the user’s device. Even though the Ping command does not offer additional information ab...
Simply put, you just need to type ping followed by a space and the IP address or domain name of the target host. If the IP address is, you should typeping the prompted command window. Ping can be used in almost all operating systems that have the capability...
For example, ping a gateway. Though network latency is long when the switch pings the gateway, packets are normally forwarded because the packets are processed by the underlying chip rather than the CPU. You can run the undo icmp echo-reply fast disable command to enable the fast ICMP reply...