In Japanese, hon-wasabi (pictured above) refers to the wasabi plant that is native to Japan, while seiyo-wasabi (pictured below) is the word for horseradish which is from Europe (sometimes also called wasabi-daikon). Japanese native wasabi is the real deal, but being cheaper, European horser...
Pictured above are several items from Mary’s wardrobe that Walton and his team designed: Mary’s classic black hat, with bright red cherries and flowers; her “Jolly Holiday” boots; and her arrival shoes. Becky Cline, Director of the Walt Disney Archives, recalls a time in her career whe...
The display that is right for you will depend on what you're looking for, but if you opt for UHD or 4K, you will likely find that you can't go wrong. Both UHD and 4K monitors offer four times as many pixels as Full HD. This produces unparalleled clarity and sharpness, vibrant color...
"THE ELEMENTS SHALL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT" (II Pet. 3:10) — The fiery surface of the sun with its solar flares (pictured above) and the white — hot molten metal pouring from an open hearth furnace (below) are vivid types of the prophesied "Lake of Fire." — Al Green & Associate...
all offers subject to availability. offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. product offerings and specifications advertised on this website may be changed at any time and without notice. models pictured are for illustration purposes only. lenovo is not responsible for...
I spent yesterday in Trogir, Croatia where I particularly enjoyed seeing the statue of the god, Kairos, pictured above. What is special about Kairos? According to the www: “There’s the regular time, chronos, the mundane one that keeps moving. Then there’skairo...
All offers subject to availability. Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Product offerings and specifications advertised on this website may be changed at any time and without notice. Models pictured are for illustration purposes only. Lenovo is not responsible for...
All offers subject to availability. Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Product offerings and specifications advertised on this website may be changed at any time and without notice. Models pictured are for illustration purposes only. Lenovo is not responsible for...
If only two tangents and curves are needed for vision to get information about large, smooth, continuous surfaces, this is not a difficult task in principle. Consider a vantage point above a ground plain stretching to the horizon, pictured in linear perspective (Fig. 1). Square tiles stretch...
The sample portfolio allocation pictured above is for aninvestorwith a low tolerance for risk. In general, a conservative strategy tries to protect a portfolio’s value by investing in lower-risk securities. In the example, you’ll see that a full 50% is allocated tobonds, which might conta...