”可知,第二段主要讲述久坐不动的生活方式的定义,而第三段第一句“Is physical inactivity dangerous?(不运动是危险的吗?)”可知,第三段主要讲述久坐不动的生活方式的危害,所以第二段最后一句应该是起承上启下的句子,既要说明久坐不动的生活方式的定义,又要引出下文对久坐不动的生活方式的危害的介绍,选项C(缺乏...
The phrases “role-playing” and “consensual participants” that we find in the last definition imply the process happens on a consensual basis. So in fact it is not the case of humiliation. The issue of pain also remains open: when sexually aroused, one feels pain differently, not the wa...
Lethargy is a state of sluggishness, inactivity, or apathy that is primarily caused by overworking, but also could be a symptom for an underlying disease. Learn about the definition, causes, and symptoms of lethargy. Definition of Lethargy Have you ever woken up and felt like it would be ...
interact to cause harmful physical changes to the heart. Diabetes exacerbates earlier experienced and more severe heart problems. Next:Treatment Options Summary Article Name What is Diabetes? Description The definition, causes and symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes explained. ...
Success MetricMeasurement ApproachDefinition Conversion Conversion-based Conversion is when a visitor performs an action on your site that you defined, such as Clicked a button Viewed a page Completed a survey Made a purchase A conversion can be counted once per visitor or each time any visitor co...
inactivityare morethantwotimesashighin 24. (wealth)countriesastheyarein countrieswherepeopleearnlow wages.Inricher countries,peopleare morelikelytospendtime 25. (sit)inoffices. How muchactivityshouldweget? Tostayhealthy,thereport26. (suggest)thatpeopledoatleast150 minutesof moderate(适中的)physicalactiv...
What is blood pressure & pulse rate - Health in Wales血压与脉率是什么;健康在威尔士 Measuringbloodpressure& pulserate AllarteriescarrybloodawayfromtheheartAllveinscarrybloodtotheheartMostarteriescarryoxygenatedbloodMostveinscarryde-oxygenatedblood Veinshavevalvesthatpreventbloodfromflowinginthewrong...
What is the synonyms and antonyms of afford? afford. verb. ['əˈfɔrd'] be able to spare or give up. Synonyms. expend. spend. Antonyms. take. inactivity. block. Etymology. ... afford. verb. ['əˈfɔrd'] be the cause or source of. Synonyms. yield. give. open up. ...
What is DPI on a mouse? DPI is like a mouse's sensitivity. At higher DPIs, the mouse is more sensitive and will move your cursor further on your screen than lower DPI mice over the same physical distance. You canchange your mouse sensitivityin a few quick steps....
The term inactivity fee refers to a service charge that banks and otherfinancial institutionsimpose on their clients when there is no activity on their accounts. Inactivity fees are charged when certain accounts go dormant or when investors don't make any buy or sell orders in theirbrokerage acco...