1.Is the Philosophy Science--Also Discussing What is Philosophy and What Philosophy is哲学是科学吗——兼论哲学是什么和什么是哲学 2.a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful.讨论什么是美的哲学。 3.What is Philosphy on Earth--On the Zhang Dong Xun s Opinion of Philosphy;哲学究竟是什么...
philosophy哲学problemprovisionsdifferencephilosophical 哲学是什么(Whatisphilosophy) Whatisphilosophy?Thisisaproblem,asimpleandcomplexone. Wesayit'ssimplebecauseitshould Theprovisionsofthisdisciplineisthemostbasicphilosophy, butphilosophywillstartfromthisproblem,ifastudyor researchphilosophywhosaidhedidnotknowwhatisphil...
Intuitively, the truth of a statement consists in its representing the world correctly, or in the world being as the statement says it is. As explained below, this is a for- mulation of the correspondence theory of truth. However, philosophical questions immediately flood in. A preliminary ...
1 WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY? Where am I or What? From what causes do I derive my existence, and to what condition shall I return? Whose favor shall I court, and whose anger must I dread? What beings surround me? And on whom Have I any influence, or who have any influence on me?
What Is Seeing? A Phenomenological Approach to Neuro-Psychology. Philosophy and ReligionWith a myriad of others, Francis Crick has sought the nature of the soul in the observable functioning of the nervous system, ... Wood,Robert,E. - 《Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Associatio...
Philosophical Organization TheoryBengtsson, J. (1995). What is reflection? On reflection in the teaching profession and teacher education. Teachers and ... H Tsoukas - 《Philosophical Organization Theory》 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 The understanding of understanding: a philosophical reflection from a tr...
听力原文:Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class.Professor: Today let’s explore two important philosophical concepts. They are two basically different ways of looking at things that have wide ranging influence on many disciplines like psychology, sociology, and animal behavior, and these...
Stefano Gualeni 什么是一个哲学游戏 What is a Philosophical Game (2022) 原文还未发布,翻译与发布经作者授权翻译/配图:叶梓涛 关键词:哲学、哲学游戏、可玩的论文、可玩的思想实验、虚构、哲学虚构、思想实验、隐含设计者、可重玩性、虚构的完整性。
Ethics or moral philosophy studies which acts are morally right or wrong and which people or character traits are morally good or bad; then other values, such as beauty, are studied in other areas of value theory, such as aesthetics. Some of the most exciting philosophical issues (such as ...
简介:哲学性虚构 Philosophical Fictions 哲学游戏是旨在邀请玩家在其游戏世界中进行哲学思考(包括关于游戏世界思考)的游戏。它们是互动性虚构,使玩家得以某种通常与非互动性的思辨虚构(如哲学小说或思想实验)不同的方式参与哲学主题。虚构内容在历史上一直是哲学知识发展和交流的重要组成。在思想实验(thought experiments)和...