Using a similar logic, some authors have argued that a simple solution to the problem of dimensionalizing personality disorders would be to compute symptom counts of traditional personality disorder categories (Millon, 1996; Oldham & Skodol, 2000; Zachar & First, 2015). For instance, Zachar and ...
While eating disorders (EDs) are more commonly diagnosed in females, there is growing awareness that men also experience EDs and may do so in a different way. Difficulties with emotion processing and emotion regulation are believed to be important in EDs, but as studies have involved predominantly...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the collection of mental disorders like autism, Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and other unspecified forms of pervasive developmental disorder. In this spectrum, there are different levels of functionality depending on the level of help they ne...
via novel, emerging technologies makes sense when depression is conceptualized through this lens of hard realism in which disorder is believed to be an essential kind. Yet, leading philosophical scholars cogently argue that psychopathological disorders, such as depression, are not essential kinds and ...
Alexithymia is a clinically relevant personality trait characterized by poor emotional awareness and associated with several psychological and physical health concerns. Individuals with high alexithymia tend to engage in experiential avoidance and this may mediate psychological distress. However, little is know...
This book is extremely short, but it is fast-paced and enjoyable to read. I found it very difficult to put this book down once I started reading it. The story is action-packed and engaging, and the characters are entertaining. I am also especially fond of Quentin Blake’s illustrations....
A2: This. Until research is informed by valid theoretical models, the risk is that it will be built on a bed of sand, directionless. (see Nick Chown). This lack also informs the disconnect b/n researchers and the#ActuallyAutisticand b/n researchers and autism itself.#AutINSAR ...
By delineating the trajectory of the disorder and documenting its evolution in time, prospective studies can clarify if and to which extent a diagnosis of early onset BD (i.e., under the age of 18 years) is predictive of adult BD. These studies also help document the impact of the ...
[76]. Nevertheless, tobacco is the primary driver of the addiction, and it is therefore classified as a substance use disorder. In the current review, symptoms suggestive of “addiction” to highly palatable foods were often intertwined with specific eating patterns (i.e., restriction, binge ...
The Compound Core Beliefs Questionnaire (CCBQ) suggests that David has a personality disorder NOS--mixed features of borderline, paranoid, antisocial, histrionic, and narcissistic. Mode deactivation therapy (MDT) family therapy: a theoretical case analysis These again included the STAXI-2, CBCL, Fear...